If you are still doubting that waist training works then you need to stop 🛑
These are the more current progress pictures of one of our most consistent customers who have been waist training for over two years now.

So far she has experienced even more progress…her tummy is a lot flatter even without a corset on and she is also getting rid of the loose skin gradually.

The “double skin” area from March (see arrows 1A & 1B) is completely gone in may. And still gone in October🎉

March to May Progress Picture

The mummy apron that was more visible in March & May (see arrow 2A) has retracted in October (arrow 2B)!

October Progress Picture

She says each time she takes off her corset and notices that there has been a change, she is amazed and excited at the same time 😂

Folks, waist training works on loose skin (which is so unbelievable & super exciting) and it works on fat (which is the easier of its job😁). But you have to train consistently.

For those of you that are already waist training with our corsets, we encourage you to remain consistent and keep on tracking your progress

And if you are yet to start waist training, you need to check out our corset collection!

We also give you a 30 days start up pack to help keep you consistent until you create a schedule of your own. The pack includes a measuring take to help you keep track of your progress and also ensures that you get results immediately you start if you stick consistently to the schedule!

We can’t wait to share her November progress with you😋

Join Our Facebook community to interact with other women who are on the same journey as you. Every month we go through new fitness, diet, or waist training challenge to help our members remain focused on achieving their body goals.